Greater Metro Milwaukee Youth Football League
5th and 6th Grade
2022 Guidelines
2022 National Federation Rules will apply unless stated as follows:
Note: We are not affiliated with or governed by the WIAA, therefore rules and regulations of the WIAA do not apply. Both head coaches should meet with the officiating crew prior to each game to review the rules specific to the league. Coaches will stress with officiating crews that these are developmental games and the calling of penalties should not become excessive or one-sided unless serious infractions of the rules are being committed.
Playing Equipment: Coaches are responsible for verifying that all playing equipment is in compliance with the rules and properly maintained (Federation Rule 1-5-4).
Note: All jewelry is illegal (Federation Rule 1-5-31).
Numbered Jerseys: It is not mandatory, however whenever possible, teams should number the players of the offensive team as follows (Federation Rule 1-4-3 & 7-2-5):
Centers, Guards, & Tackles should be numbered 50-79
Ends & Backs should be numbered 1-49 & 80-99
Whenever a player numbered 50-79 lines up as an End or Back, he must report to an official prior to entering the game 8 player teams may deviate from rule but should still follow the rule for ball carrier eligibility
Maximum Number of Players on a Team: A team consists of no more than 35 players. If a team has 36 players, two teams must be formed and the schedule of games adjusted accordingly. . With teams having a varying number of players some teams will field only an 8 player team. Some teams may switch between 8 and 11 player teams each week based on their opponent. Each team MUST declare no later than the Monday morning what number they are able to field for that next game Must declare by August 9, 2021 if their team will play 8 player or 11 player for the season. The schedule will denote an (8) or (11) next to the team name on the schedule. If there is any need to change from the committed number, the league and the next opponent must be notified by the Monday before the next scheduled game.
Chains/ Down markers: The chains and down markers will be positioned on the home team sideline
Weight Limits: Common sense should prevail and the safety and well-being of all players should be the priority. The limits are to be used as guidelines during the course of a game. Coaches should use good judgment in position players who approach or exceed the weight limits. Coaches need to be aware of the potential personal liability of playing athletes at positions where the league has installed a weight limit.
120 pound weight limit without pad (shorts only)
Coaches must supply the opposing team with a roster of players with their jersey number, weight, and grade listed. If a coach wants to make a weight challenge, it must be made to the head official prior to the end of regulation time of a game. The host school must have a weight scale available to weigh the athlete in question. The athlete in question should be weighed in the presence of both head coaches and the head official. A team in violation of the weight limit will be assessed a 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalty and the head coach will receive a one-game suspension to be served the next game on the league schedule.
Players who exceed the above weight limit shall be limited to interior line (tackles, guards, & center) and must line up on the line of scrimmage while on offense. Exception: a player who exceeds the weight limit may be used as a punter or place kicker; however he may not advance the ball by running, but may advance the ball by passing. Penalty: Ball is dead at point of original LOS, and loss of down.
A player, who exceeds the weight limit, may recover a fumble, or intercept a pass, and advance the ball.
No player who exceeds the weight limit can line up off the line of scrimmage, or receive the ball. No player who exceeds the weight limit may line-up deeper than 15 yards from their team’s LOS (no punt or kickoff returns).
Defense: 11 player teams are allowed a maximum of six(6) players and 8 player teams are allowed a maximum of five (5) defensive players within five (5) yards of the line of scrimmage sideline to sideline prior to the snap of the ball. This rule does not apply when the ball is at, or within, the defense’s 5 yard line. The rule does apply anywhere else on the field regardless of down and distance. PENALTY: Violation will constitute a five-yard illegal defense penalty. Typical alignment is a 3 -2 3 defense
Special Teams:PUNTING A punt must be announced prior to its occurrence. There will be no rush by the defense, or fake punts by the offense, allowed. The punter is allowed to take three steps after fielding the snap. If he takes more steps, it will be considered illegal procedure against the kicking team and a 5-yard penalty. Once the ball is kicked the receiving team has 2 options. The first option is to attempt to catch the ball. The ball is considered dead at that spot just the same as a fair catch If a punt is muffed, the ball is dead at the spot it was touched. The second choice is to allow the ball to bounce and roll to a stop or be downed by the punting team. The receiving team will take possession at that spot. No more than 2 players deep to receive punt
Special Teams Kick Off All kick offs have been eliminated. At the start of each half or after a score a team will start at their own 35 yard line
B) On a scoring play that involves an attempted kick (extra point or field goal), normal defensive alignment and rushing rules apply. Maximum of five (5) allowed to rush
Playing Time: Recommendation: All players should play a minimum of 1 full half on offense and 1 full half on defense.
Playing Field: Every team should make every effort to arrange for the following game equipment:
Regulation size playing field 8 player teams field dimensions are 40 yard by 100 yard
3 WIAA certified officials
Use of an electronic clock
Down markers & 10 yard-First down chain
Goal posts
Phone access for medical assistance
Source of water for both
Pre-Game Warm-ups: Officials & home team should allow the visiting team a minimum of 20 minutes to warm-up prior to the start of the game. No team shall be penalized or put at a disadvantage for a late arriving bus. Warm-ups are also necessary for the safety and well-being of the athletes.
Authorized Footballs: Wilson TDY Youth Football. Home team will furnish a new ball, or one in good condition, for all home games. Visiting team may supply and play with its own regulation game ball. More than one ball will be needed in wet, rainy, or snowy conditions.
Length of Periods: Games will consist of four, 8-minute, stop time quarters. Halftime will be 8 minutes, running time, with 3 of those minutes for mandatory warm-up.
Official Time: The referee on the field, in accordance with Federation rules, will keep official time. When there is not an electronic field clock in use, the referee shall notify both benches when approximately four minutes remain at the end of each half (Federation Rule 3-3-1).
Electronic Scoreboard Clock: When an electronic field clock is in use, the referee shall have the option of discontinuing use of the electronic field clock is he deems the operation of the clock is not being properly performed. Trained and knowledgeable adults should operate the electronic field clock.
Scoring: 6 points for a touchdown. 2 points for kicked PAT, one point for run or passed PAT. 3 points for success kicked field goal. No tiebreakers will be used. After regulation time has expired, games that are tied will remain tied.
Player substitutions and play calling should reflect a concerted effort to keep games competitive and not run up the score.
Blow-out Rule: any team behind by 17 points or more in the second half can request to receive the ball at the 35 yard line kick-off after they score. Head Coach of a team trailing by 17 points or more in the second half is also entitled to request other team pull any or all of its starting offensive backfield. There is no running clock in the GMMYFL unless requested by a coach and mutually agreed upon by both coaches.
Time-outs & Charged Conferences: 3 time-outs permitted each half (Federation Rule 3-5-1). Unused time-outs in the first half cannot be used in the second half.
Team Areas: All coaches and players shall remain between the 25-yard lines at all times (Federation Rule 1-2-3e).
Coaches: A coach is allowed on the field for both teams for the first 3 games as long as there is a coach on the sideline. After 3 games all teams must be coached from the sideline. Teams that are switching between 8 and 11 players teams will be allowed on the field for at least 1 time for each format. That may allow for a 4th game with a coach on the field. Coaches MUST self-police and communicate with their opponent prior to the game starting
Player ejection: If a player is ejected from a game, the player will automatically miss the next scheduled game
Officials: It is recommended that at least 3 officials are scheduled to work games, but not mandatory. Home team is responsible for payment of officials. $50/official is the League rate.
2022 Season: Earliest allowed starting date for the first practice is Monday, August 8, 2022 Games will begin September 10. A scrimmage is recommended the week before. The season will end no later than October 22nd .
Consist of a 7 game schedule with the last regular game scheduled no later than Saturday October 23rd. Teams may choose to schedule an additional game but the results will not be included in the league standings.